

Public Function add_module_to_cr(ByVal fix_objid As Long, _

   Byval file As String, _

                                 ByVal rev As String) As Integer




This API allows for adding a module (file name and revision from a source control system) to the list of modules fixed for a given fix of a CR. The fix_objid must be the objid of a specific fix_bug record.  No checking is performed to validate that the file/revision is valid in the source control system.




Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

fix_objid                 Yes                         The objid of the fix_bug record

file                                           Yes                         Name of the file fixed

rev                                          No                           Revision of file fixed




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Cannot find the specified fix bug record

-2                                             A fixed module file was not provided





·         Add file 'foo.c', revision 3.32 to a specific fix_bug record.


Visual Basic:

Dim ret_int As Integer


ret_int = fccq.add_module_to_cr(268435666, "foo.c", "3.32")




var ret_int = fccq.add_module_to_cr(268435666, "foo.c", "3.32");